
Spectrofluorometer Chronos DFD (ISS)

Spectrofluorometer Chronos DFD (ISS)

The Chronos DFD Fluorescence Spectrofluorometer characterizes the fluorescence properties of the analyte in solution. Characterization includes measurement of the stationary, polarized and time-resolved fluorescence. As a source of excitation light for the stationary and polarized fluorescence, the xenon lamp is used. A 370 nm laser diode and a 280 nm pulse LED are available for time-resolved fluorescence. A pair of PMT detectors are available to enable measurements in standard L-format and T-format geometry for fast and accurate polarization measurements. The instrument is capable of measuring in the wavelength range 200 nm to 900 nm and excited lifetime ranging from 10∙10−12 sec to 1 sec. in an adjustable temperature range from −30 °C to 105 °C (0.02 °C).